Friday 29 April 2016

Too Long

I didn't realise it had been so long since I had written here. A few things have changed since I last wrote.
Firstly, job-wise. End of last year was a big upheaval for the project I work on. Emphasis was changing from support in the community to remote support by telephone. We were cut from a team of 12 down to 5 field-based nurses with an increase of telephone Support Line advisers. I was one of those at risk of being made redundant or having to fight a colleague to keep my field-based position. It was evident that anyone who stayed field-based would have their territory increased, meaning more driving, longer hours, etc. I volunteered to switch to the telephone side of it and was successful. Because of our Head Office being in Reading, most of the Support Line members operate from home using a telephone system linked to our Head Office servers. What a brilliant idea!  Now my daily commute entails walking from the lounge to my home office with a cup of tea in my hand!
Four months into the job and I have to say it was a good move.

House-wise, we are still in Lincolnshire at present but that's only because the wheels of solicitors' carriages move at a snails pace! We have sold our house and acquired one in Cornwall, near St. Austell. We can't wait to get down there, but sadly we have to because of the legal side of the transaction.  But at least we are on our way.

I have had another article published in This England, Spring edition, about one of our local landmarks here, Grimsthorpe Castle. I have also had a commission from Airgun Shooter magazine to chronicle my return to Air Rifle Shooting. Since the age of 13, I have been shooting guns of one sort another and recently have become re-interested in the sport.  I am doing a series of articles that have taken me right from finding out about the guns available these days (been about 25 years since I last used one!) to actually joining a club and entering competitions. It's been a very enjoyable journey and there will be a possibility of me being a regular contributor to the magazine in the future.

Sadly, due to health problems, I have had to curtail my two-wheeled escapades. Old bones and joints don't sit well with cold weather and heavy bikes any more, so the Thunderbird I loved so much has gone to a new home where she will get more use than I was giving her. It was a hell of a wrench after over 40 years of riding.

So that's all caught up now. I will try not to leave it so long next time.

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