Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Pets are family too.

Coming up to Bonfire Night lots of families are looking forward to fireworks displays, whether at home or organised events. For those with kids it's a festive time and enjoyable evenings are had by many.
But I wish people would spare a thought for the thousands of animals that are scared by the flashes and bangs that are twice as loud for them than us humans. Every year pet owners everywhere are preparing to somehow placate their animals while the noises and lights go on for what seems an interminable time. And it wouldn't be bad if it was just the one night.  But there are those that either set them off days before the event, or ave some left over so continue it for the next few days. It all adds to the stress our animals endure.
There was a video doing the rounds on Facebook recently of a greyhound-type dog literally lying on the floor shaking uncontrollably  and nothing the owner did could calm it down. It was heartbreaking to watch but shows the extent of how these things affect them.
Often you will hear people say "Oh it's just a dog". No it's so NOT just a dog. It's our family member, that waits for us to come home after we go shopping or to work and greets us like we've been away for ever. It's the one that gives us unconditional love day in, day out without expectations. It's our fur-baby, our friend and our companion.
I read a story recently about a family that had to have their pet euthanised due to old age. Their young son was with them to say goodbye at the time, but he wasn't phased by the passing of the family pet at all. He stated he knew why pets don't live as long as we do. Simply put he said we were all put on this earth to learn how to love one another. It takes humans a long time to learn, but dogs know how to love straight away which is why they don't stay as long.
I can totally understand this kid's thinking.
So go out and enjoy your firework display, have a great time. But please don't drag it out days before or afterwards. Spare a thought for our animal family members.

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Too Much Life Happens.

Well, since we moved back to Lincolnshire seems like I've forgotten about so many things I started!
Obviously we are well settled in now.

My company managed to find me a new project to work on and that has taken up so much time, learning new procedures, systems, disease states etc., and now we are told that THIS project is also coming to a close early next year.  I think I may be a jinx!

Coupled with this, I have had some IT issues. I suppose I should really bite the bullet and splash out on  brand new system, but I keep going for re-furbished items. I've worked my way through 2 Apple iMacs, and have now gone back to a Windows 10 PC, mainly due to the price.

Moving back here has been good for the family. The grandkids visit us regularly, and I've taken the 2 boys out to some Aviation Museums. I am sure I must have bored the pants of them with tales from my RAF days and knowledge of the aircraft we have seen, but they are polite kids and seemed to enjoy themselves. I know I did!

The only drawback with moving back here is we still have another daughter back in Cornwall. She has been there about 7 years now, and it was visiting her that made us fall in love with Cornwall in the first place. SO now we don't see her as often as we would like, although she doesn't have any children for us to miss as well.

I'm slowly getting back into the swing of writing.  I have 2 fiction novels on the go, as well as still trying to get some magazine articles published. I need to give it more of my attention and hopefully I have given myself a swift kick up  the derriere by swapping all my links to writing websites to the new PC.
Fingers crossed I will get back here more often.